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Koppert Biological Systems

Koppert Horiver Trap Sticky Cards & Roller Trap

Koppert Horiver Trap Sticky Cards & Roller Trap

Regular price $9.99 CAD
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Use Koppert Horiver Sticky Traps for catching and monitoring those flying pests like..

  • Aphids
  • Leaf-miners
  • Whiteflies
  • Thrips
  • Sciarids

Ready to use with small holes to easily hang in your garden! 

Why Horiver Traps?

Sticky traps are an essential in the detection and partial elimination of many species of flying pests in greenhouses or your indoor garden! Sticky traps make it possible to detect pests at an early stage and then use biological measures to combat them and preventing unnecessary applications of chemicals!

Moreover, counting the captured insects on the sticky traps on a regular basis makes clear when pests are present in the greenhouse, how fast their population is developing, and when their population is likely to reach its peak. In this way growers are much better prepared for potential threats.

Best used: 

Each color will attract different pests:

  1. Yellow: Whiteflies, thrips, leaf miner, winged aphids, fungus gnats, and shore flies 
  2. Blue: Thrips
  3. Black: Tuta absoluta 
  4. Red: Drosophila suzukii 
  5. White: Lygus spp.
  6. Green: Echinothrips 
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