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West Coast Seeds

West Coast Seeds (Tall Mixed Cornflowers)

West Coast Seeds (Tall Mixed Cornflowers)

Regular price $4.49 CAD
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Centaurea cyanus. A mix of purple, blue, pink, and white papery blossoms bring summer colour to the garden. Try planting some Tall Mixed Cornflowers in a big clump at the edge of the yard for stunning summer colour. They are an excellent cut flower and they dry well, looking fresh for ages. Cornflowers are highly attractive to pollinators and beneficial insects like Syrphid flies. The flowers are edible, and the plants are drought resistant for xeriscaping. Deadhead spent flowers to prolong the bloom period, and to keep plants looking tidy. Tall Mixed Cornflowers seeds are easy to save from year to year.

Latin Name Centaurea cyanus
Difficulty Easy
Exposure Full-sun 
Seed Type F1 Hybrid 


TIPS:  Direct sow starting just before last frost, and again every two weeks until end of spring. Centaurea can be direct sown in autumn as well. Starting indoors is not necessary, but can be accomplished by keeping seed trays in the dark at the optimal soil temperature of 15-21°C (60-70°F). Move under bright lights once germination occurs, and transplant out in late spring, after all risk of frost has passed.

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